It happens to be our fourteenth baking challenge here at Sweet Simple Bakes. It has been yet again another great success with so many gorgeous entries. Every Chocolate Orange Drizzle Loaf Cake looks divine and I hope it becomes a popular bake in your household as much as it is mine.
We would like to thank all our S&SB bakers for your continued support each month and a very warm welcome to new bakers who have joined us this month.
*Unfortunately, I have some breaking news for you here at S&SB*.
Due to overwhelming commitments this summer, Maria has had to take a break from S&SB for a little while. I plan to manage S&SB each month and keep S&SB running as normal until Maria is hopefully able to join us here once again. I do hope you will carry on supporting S&SB because you are what makes this blog a great place to visit and enjoy a spot of home baking each month.
*If there are any late entries, I will endeavour to add you to the round-up as soon as possible*.
EDIT, we have a late entry
. Maria @
The Goddess's Kitchen
Divya @
Dil Se
Usha @
My Spicy Kitchen 
Helen @
Half a Pot of Cream

The Girl @
Living With The Boy
Gale @
Baking Pictures
Joanne @
Arundathi @
My Food Blog
Priyasuresh @
Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes
Wonk @
The Land of Wonk
Natalia @
Gatti Fili E Farina
Pari @
Rosie @
Baking Cakes Galore 
Lucie @
Cooking at Marystow

- a non-blogger
A huge round of applause please for all our Sweet & Simple bakers this month!!!!!!!
Well done everyone with your excellent bakes!!!!!!!
*Could we please ask that we all take time to visit each other’s blogs and leave feedback – thank you.*
Rosie & Maria xx
Lovely round up Rosie. Looking forward to the next challenge.
Hi Pari, thank you sweetie - and thanks for your gorgeous entry.
Best wishes Rosie x
I would like to thank all our S&SB bakers for such a successful round-up!!
It's been a great show of divine Chocolate Orange Drizzle Loaf Cakes in the blogosphere!!!!
You guys really are outstanding and what makes it a pleasure to bake with you here at S&SB - Thank you.
Best wishes Rosie x
Rosie - that was a lovely round-up and a fantastic bake. If you need any help while Maria is away for the summer, do let us know. Thanks and looking forward to the next bake.
Thanks Arundathi, you're really so kind. I'll be in touch if things get a bit too much due to my ongoing back problem :0)
Best wishes Rosie x
Wow, big turn out this month - good to see and exciting to be a part of it :)
My first ever S&SB was great fun to do and looking forward to next months already!
Hi Wonk, it's such a pleasure to have you bake with us and a warm welcome to S&SB. It always feels good that first bake of an event and I hope you'll remain to enjoy your monthly bakes with us :0)
Best wishes Rosie x
What a great turn out this month! It's taken me ages to visit everyone's blog and try and leave a different comment each time!
Sorry to hear about Maria - I was getting a little concerned. Looking forward to when she's back with us.
I'm sure you'll do a great job on your own though. Looking forward to tomorrow already!!
Everyone did great! My explorer had a prob. with a couple of sites: Gati Fili E Farina and just wanted to let you two know..SUPER JOB!
Also - the non-blogger - super!
That was a lovely roundup! I enjoyed being a part of it!
Thank you T.G. It really has been a brilliant round-up this month – let’s hope next month’s is the same :0) Yes I am sure Maria we be joining us when she feels able to once again :0)
Joanne, I left a comment on Natalia’s Gatti Fili E Farina explaining the link wasn’t working. She is having computer problems at the moment and I think has gone away on holiday now. The other links appeared to work when I tried them all but thanks for the heads up because it’s always good to know just in case I hadn’t noticed :0)
Thanks Divya and it was really lovely to have you bake with us :0)
Best wishes Rosie x
I was so excited to see my cake! And of course all the lovely cake that everyone had baked. Thanks for a great recipe Rosie.
Hi Anju, I also find it exciting when the 2nd of the month comes around and up in "lights" is our S&SB round-up with everyone’s bake. I adore the little tweaks of here and there of personal touches from our bakers.
I am pleased you are happy with the results too :0)
Best wishes Rosie x
Hi Maria, nice to see you pop in at S&SB and I am SO pleased you managed to bake the drizzle cake :0)
Take care now my friend - Rosie x
Hi everyone
Just popping in quickly to say hello! What a wonderful round-up and everyone's cakes are amazing!! I only managed to bake my cake today and I am so glad I did. It was truly amazing.
I am hoping to bake the carrot cake this weekend before my guests arrive. But I will be back in full force in September! Have a great summer and see you all soon.
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