This blog we decided to keep open for all to view and enjoy. We hopefully aim to entice bloggers and readers who would like to learn to bake but don’t know how or perhaps where to begin. Don’t feel daunted by the task of baking (even the best of us have slip ups at times) and with practice we achieve. It is grasping simple techniques, which is the art to baking and once they are mastered it opens many avenues to creating in baking.
As this is a brand new exciting venture we are not quite sure how many will be interested in joining, but we hope to gain a valued community of bakers and hopefully mature with each prospective months. Our aim is hopefully to be interactive with one another as much as possible and assist to our best ability anyone with answers to their questions as they arise.
We intend to submit a tried and tested recipe each month and also provide tips and techniques to encourage you along the way. We aim to compile a list of Bakers as we bake each month here on Sweet and Simple Bakes. If you are a food blogger we kindly ask that you write a post on your blog, (please feel free to use our badge) and link back to Sweet and Simple Bakes. We kindly ask that you leave your Blog URL in the comments box for that months bake, if you do not have blog and wish to join in please email your entry with your name, a small photo to, sweet2simple(at)googlemail(dot)com. Please not our Brand New Format for Submitting Monthly Bakes.
About Us
I’m a 35 year old married mother of one gorgeous son, living in Surrey, UK. My occupation is full time domestic goddess, thanks to hubby. My passion and love for baking begun in my late 20’s when I came across Nigella Lawson’s book “How to be a Domestic Goddess”. It sparked off something I had not realized about myself until that moment. I love all aspects of baking but the one thing I love the most, is being able to produce delicious creations for my family and friends. I hope to be able to pass on my love and passion of baking on Simple Bakes, sharing with you many of my favourite recipes.
Maria x
-Maria, The Goddess's Kitchen

A warm welcome from me! My name is Rosie I am married and have two grown up children. I first started baking at my mother’s side stood on a kitchen stool learning the art of making pastry at the tender age of 7 yrs. My passion grew for baking, which I studied at school and took O level exams in this area. Moving on, I have been baking now for some 40 odd years and in the past few months I have started teaching myself sugarcrafting. I am looking forward to being of assistance to anyone here at ‘Sweet and Simple Bakes’. For anyone starting out and taking their first steps in baking, I can assure you I will make a baker out of you!! Once the correct techniques of baking are mastered its plain sailing from there on, then the baking bug hits you with so much passion you’ll never want to give up your new found skills. Happy baking my friends!! Rosie x
Hi I just came across ur blog & this event. I started blogging only a couple of months back & am still in the process of discovering events.
Does the bake need to be tried & tested from fellow bloggers or from anywhere? also does it have to be exactly same or can it be adapted?
Hi! I just came here while searching for Christmas cake recipes. Am I mighty glad I did so. Though I do not have my own blog, I've been following all food blogs for the past couple of months. Hope to start my blog soon.
Being the Christmas month, I have decided to bake cakes, though I'm only a novice at baking. Ur blog is a veritable store-house, which I want to ransack, with due permission from u.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Soma, welcome to S&SB and its lovely to *meet* you :0)
Maria & I post alternate recipes each month and I also enjoy putting up a poll vote for bakers to cast their vote on which bake they wish to bake on the next month.
Our recipes can be slightly altered of course, which you will have noticed from our round-ups each month. I do hope you will be able to join in with our bakes :0)
Hi She, welcome to S&SB and its also lovely to *meet* you :0)
You have come to the right place here at S&SB we welcome novice bakers with open arms! You can bake a long with us even if you don't own your own blog and be added to the round-up by sending an email with a small 300 m pix pic of your bake to our own email we have posted on the site.
I do hope you will be able to join in with our bakes :0)
Best wishes Rosie x
Hi first time here and have already made the bread today...will post it and inform you soon. Do i email it to you?Whts the email add plz.
However here's the link.
hope u guys like it :)
Hello ladies,
I've just joined the the net as a cyber baker. I got an over for my birthday in January and started baking non-stop since then. I would love to be able to participate in your monthly challenges :)
Hi Navita & Karen, it really is lovely to have you baking with us here @ S&SB A very warm welcome from Maria and myself :0)
Best wishes Rosie & Maria x
Hi Rosie & Marie,
This is my first time here...!I am a new blogger and would love to bake/participate along with other foodies in the challenge!!
I am assuming there are no specific rules to join and it is just bake and send!!Pls let me know if there is anything I am missing out:)
Hi Shri, welcome to S&SB lovely to *meet* you and so pleased you wish to join us in our monthly bakes :0) You are correct there are no specific rules to join. We kindly ask if you will display our badge on your site and link back to us and as follows:-
We kindly ask that you link your blog back to Sweet and Simple Bakes and please feel free to use our badge in your posts.
Each Baker at Sweet & Simple Bakes who completes the bake for the month to be added to the round-up please send an email to; sweet2simple[at]googlemail[dot]com
Add in subject: [Name of bake] for the round-up.
Your Name:
Your Blog Name:
Your Blog Link to the Baking Post:
A picture of your bake 200x200 pixels (if you’re not sure how to resize a photo we can do this for you.)
*The posting date for the completed said bake of the month on your blog is as before 1st of the month*.
*The round-up will be 2nd of the month to ensure all entries have been sent in via our email – we wouldn’t wish to miss any of your creations*.
*The posting date for the new recipe for the said month will in future be 3rd of each month.
Best wishes Rosie x
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